
"you're my muse, my worst (best) distraction..."

Friday, July 25, 2014

I've been slacking.

Dragging my feet when it comes to getting back to business. I (foolishly) thought before I had my baby- "Oh, getting back into the game will be no problem! I will have a beautiful little muse and be full of inspiration and just DYING to take on projects!" Wellllllll, I do have a beautiful little muse. But it's hard to be full of ambition when you're surviving on ~5 hours of sleep, caffeine, and pure adrenaline. It's hard to be full of inspiration when the deepest thought you'll have all day is, "Why don't babies like to sleep?" (Oh wait...that's just me & my sleep-hating child?) It's hard to feel like a business owner when you look in the mirror and see a shell-shocked version of yourself with 5-day old hair thrown up in some sort of birds nest on top of your head and suspicious stains all over your shirt. 

Becoming a mother is truly the greatest thing to happen to me- the love I feel for my sweet baby Finn is incredible, unparalleled. He consumes most of my day, most of my thoughts, and most of my energy- leaving me with little at the end of the day. I would not have it any other way, but I am happy to say I think we might be getting into somewhat of a normal routine (hey, it's only taken us 6 months...but he's only recently stopped waking up 3+ a night!) and I am ready to begin booking more regularly. 

Here's what my camera has been focused on since 12:34 PM, January 7th. From the first picture to the last, it blows my mind how quickly littles one change.

What a gift- to watch a life form right before your eyes.

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