
Hunter + Shelby | Engaged

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hunter & my husband Zack have been good friends since their parachute team days at West Point. I met Hunter while Zack & I dated in college, and we became friends as well.

Throughout the years, I would randomly ask Zack, "Why doesn't Hunter have a girlfriend?" He's a good-looking guy, kind & sweet, and just really well-rounded. It always perplexed me why no girl had snatched him up yet. Zack would always answer the same- "He's really picky."

I guess being picky paid off. Because he got quite the lady. (I might have a girl-crush. It's whatever.)

We got to meet Shelby, and enjoy a weekend with both her & Hunter at her beautiful cabin. I also had the privilege of taking some engagement photos for them.

I'm not kidding when I say it was probably the easiest shoot I've ever done. It didn't hurt that we'd spent the night before bonding over s'mores & terrifying stories so we were all comfortable together, or that they're just plain gorgeous (I mean, really. Classic good-looks here. I feel like you could plop them down in 1942, and they'd fit right in.) They made my job too easy. I normally prompt people, and give them direction during a session, but these two just killed it. The laughs flowed with ease between them, and the kisses were always genuine. Everything came really easy, which is exactly the way love should be.

So excited for these two to become Mr. & Mrs.

^ Shelby told me that dandelions were the symbol of the military child. Both Hunter & Shelby were military children, and met when their dads were stationed at Ft. Bragg.

They were blown, like dandelions, to all corners of the world, but they found their way back together again. (So much symbolism going on there- I love it. ;))

Gritman Family | Fort Drum, NY photographer

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

I have always said how choked up I get at homecoming ceremonies involving little children. Those onesies that say, "I've waited my whole life to meet you!" and the little girls twirling around in their red, white, & blue tutus make tears spring to my eyes almost instantly.

I don't think you can "rate" the emotion of homecomings, but getting to witness one with a teenager & older child...man...it got me. It got me good. I guess because I know that these children really understand what a deployment entails and they have a concept of just how long their daddy has been gone. It was so rewarding being able to witness Captain Gritman's reunion with his family.

^That smile on her face says it all. :)

After they had a chance to reconnect as a family, we got to go out to Sackets Harbor and take some family pictures. (Posing older children is hard, by the way! Haha.)

This was definitely a lively bunch, and I hope I captured some of their quirky spirit and sweet connections.

^LOL. Don't worry, one day you two will be best friends. ;) (Coming from a girl with two little brothers.)

Jess + Luke | Maternity - Watertown, NY photographer

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

I cannot even tell you how excited I am for these two. I've been excited since the moment I found out they were expecting.

They are going to be such fun, caring, and creative parents and their little boy is going to know a life of love & adventure. Jess has always been such a natural with children, and she truly glows these days.

I am so glad we were able to capture this time in their lives, and at such a beautiful time of the year! Seriously, these pictures scream Fall to me. I want to go put on some flannel, grab a hot cider, and just stare at how beautiful these two parents-to-be are.

See you in a few months, Everett!